Grief and Loss | Ep 26

Episode summary: 

Are you navigating the complexities of grief and loss? Our newest podcast episode offers a blend of Christian empathy and psychological insight to aid your path to recovery.

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“God’s Word does speak to you. God’s Word does have wisdom. God’s Word does have wisdom for you. The Lord does want you in His Word to hear what He has to say. He has a Word that applies to you.”

Jemese LaChel

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • The importance of integrating faith with therapy for healing and deliverance.
  • How grief can deepen intimacy with God and lead to holy encounters.
  • The enduring peace found in Jesus Christ, especially during times of hardship and loss.

Topic Summaries:

  1. Integration of Faith and Therapy: Jemese LaChel discusses the necessity of combining psychological understanding with spiritual guidance, emphasizing Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of healing and deliverance.
  2. Navigating Grief: Reflecting on her personal experience of losing her mother, Jemese shares insights into the grieving process and the comfort found in deepening one’s relationship with God during times of sorrow.
  3. Finding Peace in Jesus: Through scriptural references and personal anecdotes, Jemese highlights the lasting peace offered by Jesus Christ, contrasting it with temporary worldly comforts and emphasizing the importance of faith in overcoming adversity.
Every Word in 90 with Jemese LaChel

Connect with Jemese:

Jemese LaChel Drewery, LCSW, a Christian Trauma Therapist and Faith Mentor specializing in sexual trauma and biblical counseling. If you’re seeking support to improve marital hardship, PTSD, sexual problems, or negative relationship patterns, Jemese offers Spirit-filled and Spirit-led counseling and mentorship services.

Scripture Referenced

  1. Matthew 5:4 – “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
  2. John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”


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