New age spirituality: what is it and why is it dangerous? | Ep 08

Episode summary: 

Have you had this thought? ” How can a little guided meditation or law of attraction be bad or evil?”  Truth is, these seemingly benevolent practices found in the New Age and occult world are incredibly wrought with darkness. It opens doors to demons and what you thought was ‘love and light’ is actually taking you far from God. If you’re ready to leave it all behind, this episode is for you.

In this episode, You will learn about the hidden dangers of new age spirituality.

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“You begin to see that rotten fruit of oppression. So you’ll have this kind of double life where on the outside, you appear so happy. You appear so put together. Nobody would know that on the inside of you, you hate yourself. You are so depressed. You are so

I used to be really into new age spirituality and the occult. I sincerely believed I was doing good. I mean, how could a little guided mediation be harmful? I though the “Doreen Virtues” of the world were a little cray cray, and that anyone who said consulting angels was wrong was just not spiritual enough. That is until one day when Jesus answered me in prayer and showed me, with all gentleness and love, that what I was doing was just as evil as some of the terrible things we see happening in the world today. Shook doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt.

I know nobody practicing new age beliefs, BELEIVES they are a ‘new ager’ or that they’re doing anything other than spreading love. I invite you to press in and hear what God has to say about it. You might just be surprised.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. The dangers of new age spirituality and occultism
2. What new age spirituality is and how to identify it
3. How to break free from new age spirituality and occultism

Making better decisions with Jemese LaChel

Connect with Jemese:

Jemese is an Evangelist, trauma therapist & mentor for women. Her greatest joy (besides spending time with her family) is to watch souls be saved from darkness and brought into the Kingdom of God. Today she serves in the ministry of inner healing and deliverance, helping women grow in their Christian faith.

Key topics to listen for (with timestamps):

  • coming soon

Some Scriptures Referenced in this Episode

  •  coming soon

Episode Transcript: 

Introduction: Hey friends, welcome to a new creation podcast where we’re pointing women towards victory in Christ, one Jesus story at a time. My name is Jemese LaChel, I’m your host. Go ahead and get yourself comfortable and let’s dive right in to today’s episode.

Welcome back friends. This is an episode which I have anticipated would be coming and in fact I know that this is something that will be talked about a lot more by me for sure in the solo podcast episodes. And I’m seeing God send me a lot more women who are willing to speak about their experience with the same.

I really don’t want to waste any time with a bunch of introduction, so I invite you to pray with me as we open up this episode.


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