From Binge Drinking to Breakthrough with guest Chrystal Cuellar | Ep 15

Episode summary: 

Has alcohol ever had a negative impact on your life?  Ever struggled in the “party girl” phase, or wondered how to find purpose?  Hear from guest Chrystal Cuellar, a Christian life coach, who speaks about how she went from binge drinking to breakthrough in Jesus.

Chrystal helps women navigate their alcohol free journey while building a strong foundation in Christ. 

She shares her faith story of how she met Jesus, locked arms with God, and became a new creation living totally transformed & free from the bondage of alcohol (and how you can get free too).

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In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How Chrystal’s work is different from 12-step programs
2. What God has been teaching her lately about alcohol and addiction
3. How God uses people and circumstances to bring us back to Him

“I really just started to go to church just reading the Bible and just really started going all in in my faith.”

Chrystal on how her Jesus journey began

This is Chrystal Cuellar…

Chrystal Cuellar is a Christian life coach who helps women navigate their alcohol free journey while building a strong foundation in Christ.

Chrystal was struggling with alcohol addiction, and was looking for a way to break free. She had believed in God but never knew what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus. She reached out to an acquaintance and found out they were hosting church out of their apartment. Through her pastors, her own determination, and with the help of a sober coach and a Christian counselor, she found the strength to break free of her addiction. She now works as a Christian life coach and helps other women become alcohol free while building a strong foundation in Christ. With her unique approach of combining spiritual guidance and sobriety coaching, Crystal is making big waves in the sober community.

From Binge Drinking to Breakthrough

Connect with Chrystal Cuellar:

Chrystal Cuellar is a Christian life coach who helps women navigate their alcohol free journey while building a strong foundation in Christ.

Episode Transcript

 Hey friend. Welcome to a new creation podcast where we’re pointing women towards victory in Christ Jesus story at a time. My name is Jemese LaChel. I’m so glad that you’re here. Let’s dive right in to today’s episode.

 Welcome back, friends. This is Jemese and man, I have an exciting episode for you today. I’ve got Chrystal Cuellar.  She is a Christian life coach. You might also call her a sober coach or sobriety coach.

Scriptures Referenced

Isaiah 40:31


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