Making Decisions God’s Way: A Biblical Approach to Choosing What’s Best | Ep 06

Episode summary: 

Have you ever struggled with making decisions? Maybe you’ve got an opportunity ahead of you that could change your entire business, life, or family. But… what should you do? Like most, you probably have made some choices that didn’t end so well, and now, perhaps you struggle with even the smallest decisions. One things for sure, life is FULL of choices and the best choice is to do things God’s way. But not knowing how to make decisions according to God’s will can be frustrating. So tune in to learn more about how to make good choices God’s way and eliminate that anxiety around decision making once and for all.

In this episode, You will learn how to discern God’s will for your life.

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“You never have to make a decision by yourself. There is not a single time when you’re going to have to make a decision and God’s going to leave the room “

Jemese LaChel

I was raised in a Christian home and always knew that there was a God. But I wasn’t truly saved and walking with the Lord until I was an adult. Once I made that decision, my life changed completely. I started attending church regularly and became involved in a discipleship group. It was there that I learned about the importance of making decisions God’s way. I was taught that the best way to do this was to ask God for wisdom and guidance. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. Whenever I’m faced with a decision, big or small, I ask God what He wants me to do. And He always gives me the wisdom and confidence I need to make the right choice…

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How to make decisions God’s way
2. What Liberty in Christ looks like
3. How to know if you’ve made the right decision

Making better decisions with Jemese LaChel

Connect with Jemese:

Jemese is an Evangelist, trauma therapist & mentor for women. Her greatest joy (besides spending time with her family) is to watch souls be saved from darkness and brought into the Kingdom of God. Today she serves in the ministry of inner healing and deliverance, helping women grow in their Christian faith.

Key topics to listen for (with timestamps):

  • Requesting God Himself to give you wisdom | 3:38
  • Rebuking the religious spirit | 13:48
  • Don’t let seeking God’s Wisdom be an excuse for complacency | 16:56
  • Why you shouldn’t follow your heart | 20:00

Some Scriptures Referenced in this Episode

  •  Galatians 5:4
  • Jeremiah 17:9
  • John 5:5

Episode Transcript: 

[Introduction] Jemese: Hey, friend, welcome to A New Creation Podcast where we’re pointing women towards victory in Christ, one Jesus story at a time. My name is Jemese LaChel. I’m your host. Go ahead and get yourself comfortable and let’s dive right in to today’s episode. Have you ever felt like you had to make a decision about something and if you made the wrong one, you felt like you were going to screw things up completely? Have you ever had fear of making the wrong choice?

My goal is to equip you and give you the information needed so that, by the end of this episode, you will know how to move forward and make those tough decisions God’s way. And if you’re listening to this podcast, that’s what you’re interested in as well.

Let’s get right to it, but you know me, you know I love to pray before we begin, so let’s do that first…


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📔 Don’t forget to download your free gift, Daily Declarations for Daughters of Abba written by Jemese LaChel, so you can start standing in your God-given identity and speaking God’s Truth over life today

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