Hey, friend!My name is Jemese LaChel and I’m the host of A New Creation Podcast
About Jemese. The short version goes like: Jemese was a resident hooligan on the hot mess express, then she met Jesus. Now there’s this podcast.
But if you had a little more time, Jemese would tell you that she’s a mother of 2 littles, a wife, a Marine Corps veteran…but the most important thing you should know is that she’s a Jesus disciple.
She was raised in a “Christian” household, but it was more of a ‘we sporadically visit church’ thing, and she never had real understanding. Because of lack of knowledge, she drifted into all kinds of nonsense like new age beliefs & occultism–she thought it was some kind of hyper spirituality. But God!
God used the isolation of those early pandemic days to to pluck Jemese out of darkness and into his marvelous Light.
He led her to an Evangelist functioning in the ministry of deliverance where Jesus set her free; she learned how to read her Bible; she obtained true biblical discipling. He didn’t stop there though. Jesus healed her completely of postpartum depression & anxiety; addiction; and trauma.
God raised her up to do the work of the evangelist, and today she’s serving the kingdom of God through faith mentorship, and inner healing & deliverance ministry for women.
Visit jemeselachel.com to learn more.

From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

About the podcast.
A New Creation Podcast is a purely evangelical mission where we share Christ-centered, Biblical encouragement.
Each episode points women towards victory in Christ one Jesus story at a time. We do this by personally knowing Jesus and making Him known.
We believe in the told stories of transformation and hope. Because there’s nothing like the freedom, goodness, hope, and love that pours down God through Jesus Christ.
We want to make it easy for women who have questions about the “God stuff” to hear firsthand who He is and How much he desires their salvation, their freedom; how much He wants relationship with them.
We strive to help women who wouldn’t normally consume “Jesus content” to feel safe & comfortable to explore their relationship with God by simply tuning into the show. And for believers, we exist to build your faith!
Tune in every other Tuesday for new episodes.
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